

Patch Notes for Incarna


  • 以后一个星系在任何时候都只容许一个跳桥上线. 当此更新档实裝时星系裏有兩个已上线的跳桥. 其中一个会強制下线. 亦不能在已有上线跳桥的星系描定其他跳桥. 是次更新不会解除跳桥锚定. 玩家可以把因此更新而下线的跳桥解锚
  • 跳桥內货柜容量由10,000m3 增至 30,000m3, 以方便后勤工作


  • 所有角色登陸Tranquility时必须塑造角色, 否则不能进行游戏


  • 改进M族及A族的巡洋舰的外型设计


  • 舰長室支援新的3D 介面
  • 所有船坞換成舰長室, 舰長们终於能夠踏出太空仓回到自己个人的起居室, 详情 : 这裏
  • 舰長室位於船坞內的陽台, 大家可以在舰長室观看到已激活的舰船
  • 主屏幕显示EVE內的资讯, 包括星系主权, 新闻, 入侵进度等等
  • 舰長室內有各式各样的工具以協助舰長, 包括代理人搜尋器, 军团招募, 行星开發, 角色外型重塑及舰船配置
  • 新的鏡头系统以角色不同方向的动作及位置都能正常拍攝
  • 角色能夠透过鍵盘向八个方向移动, 当然也可以用鼠标來移动
  • 快捷鍵分為舰長室及太空兩个方案, 另外ESC目錄也能对舰長室內的显示及图像进行设置


  • 新角色创立后会在舰長室而非太空
  • 所有角色需求重新塑造自己的外观, 若果未进行此步骤的话请在进入游戏前进行
  • 重新设计初始及新手教程, 以配合incarna 的环境令各位新人更感兴趣
  • Aura 回來了, 她会在新手教程时為你提供语音及图像教學(她还懂多国语言哦)
  • 舰長室的主屏幕会显示因為玩家资历而提供相关资讯. 坐在沙發上就能學习如何使用代理人搜尋器, 近期發生的重要时件, 技能學习及克隆体
  • Aura 以代理人身分进入EVE, 新人都会自动向Aura接取教程任务. 以前那位代理人退休了
  • 优化教程內各项进程及編排, 令大家更容易去完成及學习
  • 未完成的教程任务可以透过F12帮助视窗來重新进行
  • 穿环等裝飾更贴服调整男性角色的体型使之更加自然,
  • 已完成重塑的玩家於登入时不会再进入角色重塑畫面, 玩家可以透过空间站內的重塑服务去重新処理


  • EVE的砲台系统完全重新设计. 各款砲台都有其专属的效果. 在配置及船坞內也能预览其效果.
  • 在砲台的"显示讯息"內也能预览其效果
  • 更新以下砲台的發射效果: 能量砲台, 射弹砲台, 混合砲台, 采矿激光(包括普通, 露天, 冰矿及基层断岩), 氣雲采集器
  • 点击砲台图示时会显示其3-D效果
  • 砲台图像会根据其上线狀態表示外观

周边產品(暂不翻译)Our new virtual store, the Noble Exchange is now accessible through the Station Services. Goods can be purchased from the Noble Exchange using the new currency called Aurum, and you can sell those goods again on the market for ISK. Please check out this dev blog from 嘻嘻皮 Zulu for more information.A fashionable collection of classic military clothing has been supplied to the marketplace for both male and female characters.All goods purchased from the Noble Exchange will appear as an item in Items Hangar of your current station.All purchased clothing items in your current hangar will appear in the Character Creator when you re-customize your character.All clothing in the Noble Exchange can be previewed on a 3-D mannequin model via Show Info.Players can now convert PLEX into Aurum via the Noble Exchange.1 PLEX can be converted into 3500 Aurum at a fixed rate through the Noble Exchange interface. (Multiple PLEX can be converted at the same time).Aurum transactions are logged in the wallet journal.We are temporarily prohibiting the transfer of Aurum between characters. This is done for the sake of a slower, more secure implementation of the feature while the initial economic impact is being analyzed.All clothing in the Noble Exchange can be previewed on a 3-D mannequin model via Show Info.


  • Six new generic missions have been added to bolster the mission selection of non-Empire factions.


  • Dogma, the process that handles attributes on items and how they are modified, was massively re-engineered. This change shouldn’t affect players or change gameplay in any way but is the groundwork for features in following releases.
  • Inventory windows will now re-apply the user’s preferred sorting method after executing a “Stack All” command


  • 更新露天采矿器的激光效果, 不会和原本的差太远, 但更酷
  • 以下舰船的尾焰將由引擎內部开始 : 毒蠍, 暴君, 懲罰者
  • 修正離站时镜头位置, 以令大家感到是離站了
  • 除NVIDIA显卡外, 其他显卡都能关闭SSAO的效果
  • ILR is disabled on Windows XP machines that use ATI GPU’s.(未能翻译)
  • 停用Mac內ATI显卡的深度效果


  • 牽引光束和打捞器有其自己的砲台模组
  • 砲台图示和砲台的外观一样, 亦可以从图示上分辨其衍生型

APIMarketOrders - orderID is now a 64-bit integer instead of 32-bit, and typeID is now a 32-bit integer instead of 16-bit.WalletTransactions - transactionID is now a 64-bit integer instead of 32-bit. This applies to both char/ and corp/ pages, .csv and .xml.MarketOrders should now only return a list of active and non-expired orders.If you or your corporation produced more than a certain number of transactions between cache refreshes, the WalletTransactions page will only give you the oldest of those. On the other hand, the API will give you the latest number of transactions and you can page back to get the rest of them.Error Throttling – the API will start to throttle third-party applications that generate a high number of preventable errors in a short period of time. This means better quality of service for everyone using the API.


  • 日后舰船在非隐形狀态下不可能有免扫配置
  • 所有探针都能加強扫描強度, 而非以前的4针


  • Several changes have been made for the sake of consistency and style throughout the game.


  • 重新设计军团招聘页面, 使搜尋军团更容易
  • 搜尋军团范围由星座扩展至全星域
  • 军团招聘广告时限延長请編辑现存的广告以符合新的选项. 否则不能显示


  • 可以透过角色资讯页面舉报疑似脚本角色


  • 超过75个加迖里及古斯塔斯內使用ECM的NPC船只重新平衡, 记得探测好再过去囉
  • 修正超过100个死亡空间及任务坐标, 除非移走某样物品否则不能完成该任务或死空
  • 修正50个探索空间內的风景觸發程序, 避免多个玩家进入时会各自看到不同的景色
  • 早前部份海盜势力共有4个采矿任务. 现时所有势力能接到这4个任务了. 分別是“Oh, the Augumene!,” “Mercium Belt,” “I Don’t Ask,” and “Like Drones to a Cloud.”
  • DED 死亡空间讯息更新


  • 整个线下安裝档共分為3个档案, 2个2GB的7zip档, 以及解压执行档. 因為整个安裝档超出4GB, 所以不能使用Windows自帶的解压服务


  • 改善客戶端启动程序, 大幅減少黑屏问题


  • 优化裝备组使其比未组建前拥有更高的性能
  • Improved the way that the names of channel participants are retrieved. Previously it was causing increased wait times under heavy load which affected cross-node session changes.
  • Communication overhead between certain server components has been reduced to improve performance. Please check out this Dev Blog for more information.
  • 提升伺服器與客戶端之间的通讯方式
  • 优化角色塑造內的代碼, 使微调角色外观时反应更快更順暢
  • 修正使客戶端起动缓慢的问题


  • 修正海燕级上燈光的问题
  • T2船只在其描述內会显示船名, 舰船种类, 及首席發明家的名字
  • 元始级上行星资源物品儲备仓能夠放入基礎行星產物
  • 修正奉獻级未能显示其属於维鲜集团色调的问题
  • 修正末日沙场级的砲台位置.
  • 隨著新的砲台系统, 玩家能夠隨意將砲台放置在高槽任何一个槽位, 末日沙场级仍然是8高槽7砲台
  • 修正地狱天使级上砲台外观位置上的问题


  • 修正当打开再生處理页面时, 不能卸载裝备的问题
  • 修正使用纳米复合体维修裝备时循环卡住的问题


  • 采矿无人机能夠直接返回无人机挂仓. 以往当它们收到指示后, 在完成下一个周期后只会返回船体並环绕
  • 无人机编组不会因重启客戶端而取消. 以往有时无人机会被移出编组外
  • 无人机会被任务內的范围攻击波及.
  • 无人机能夠攻击POS 內的升级平台
  • 岗哨无人机终於拥有其自己的砲台效果了.


  • 修正Lockbreaker炸弹的描述以反映其效果發生机率
  • 吉斯塔斯LP兌換处加入其势力4种巡航导弹


  • 修正高级植入体技能需求过低的问题. 现时其技能需求將反映其效用


  • 移除子系统內改裝件的描述, 以避免其相互影响
  • 未使用的技能点在第一次打开人物表单就会显示

EVE Voice, Mail & Chat

  • Sounds will not become muted when another player talks via EVE Voice and the related options are disabled.


  • 在快遞合同內选择地点时空间站加入外观显示


  • 修正反应方案能在反应堆上线时安裝的问题. 以后反应方案只能在反应堆下线时才能安裝
  • 行星开發內采集器周期不会因维护而重置為96小时. 以往这情況有可能在Incursion 1.1.0 时發生
  • 在军团机库的生產工作能夠正常开始
  • Fixed a defect preventing users from manufacturing a blueprint selected through the Science & Industry window.


  • 当POS被攻击时, 会正常地向POS拥有者發送通知
  • 修正舰船维护阵列有时会令你的船只在太空飘浮的问题
  • 在最大控制范围上的已上线的建築在伺服器重启后会维持上线狀態
  • Fixed an exception that was generated when the user attempted to shoot their own control tower with a heavy missile battery. In line with the other weapons batteries the user can now target and shoot their own control tower.
  • It is again possible to move partial stacks of ammunition out of starbase batteries.


  • 在空间站代理人会按英文字母排序
  • The mission ‘Mining Misappropriation’ has had its rewards rebalanced.
  • 科研任务完成时不会提示分享獎励予舰队成员
  • 拒绝或取消科研代理人提供的任务不会影响声望
  • Highlighted warning text alerting players of a certain threat has been included in the mission description for the mission ‘Glue’.
  • The Mission ‘Gas Injections’ has had it’s briefing updated to be more accurate.
  • The mission ‘Cleaning House’ has had its end boss changed so that it should now be more realistic to complete.
  • The mission, ‘Small Misunderstanding (3 of 3)’ has had its objectives clarified in the briefing.
  • The mission ‘Construction Blocks (2 of 4)’, has had it’s briefing corrected to mention the correct number of goods required.
  • The mission ‘Undue Attention - Closing the gate (3 of 3)’, has had its gate restrictions updated to be in line with the briefing.
  • The mission ‘The Anomaly (1 of 3)’, no longer consumes the gate key unduly.
  • Sites requiring both Salvager and Analyzer modules now make it clear that both will be required to access all containers.
  • The ‘War Situation’ courier mission series has been re-named to ‘Tidings of Conflict’.
  • Sites in the epic arc ‘Blood Stained Stars’ have had the number of ECM NPCs reduced for the sake of better balance.
  • The Mission ‘Fear of Angels’ in the Angel Epic arc has had its gate restrictions adjusted to be in line with the other missions in the series.
  • The Missing Reporters - Caldari Smugglers (1 of 3), has had its completion criteria adjusted so that it will no longer be possible to reach an non-completable state.
  • The following missions have had their completion criteria adjusted so that they should no longer be un-completable under any circumstances:

Delving into the Past (1 of 3)
Augumene Allergen (5 of 5)
Wacky AI (1 of 2)
Worlds Collide
The Celestial Imperative (3 of 5)
Harvesters Misfortune (2 of 2)
The Insorum Hijacking
Beizan Picholen (1 of 6)
Tomb of the Unknown Soldiers
Pilgrim - Temple (5 of 5)

  • An issue with the right click functionality on Faction icons in the mission interface has been fixed. It will no longer direct players to the contract search.
  • 未接取的代理人任务会显示正确的过期日期及时间

探索, 死亡空间及入侵

  • 修正"The Outgrowth Rogue Drone Hive "內加速轨道內容许通过的船只种类
  • 修正入侵 OTA 本, 使得NPC 在副本完成后不会继续刷新, 剩下的会全部跃迁離开
  • OTA本內, 修正提示以指示玩家破译而非破坏
  • When all enemies are destroyed in the second room of the Blood Raider Prison Camp it will no longer generate exceptions.
  • The Gurista Pirates cosmic signature, The Maze, has been adjusted to be easier to navigate and less cluttered. No one like clutter, especially space clutter.
  • 入侵日志內以完成的副本会正常地显示


  • NPC船会正常地攻击解除隠形狀態的舰船
  • 势力战爭的NPC船会協助同盟阵營的NPC參與防守
  • 修正NPC " Haruo Wako " 的物品掉落
  • 修正薩沙NPC Misshapen 上的激光砲台效果位置,


  • 宣战费用將会在帳戶日志內正常显示
  • Fixed the word filtering in the medal creation process so that you can now create non-offensive decorations.
  • 创建军团广告后, 在"军团页面"首页会即时更新讯息


  • 修正引擎尾焰在镜头过近时错位的问题
  • 隨著新砲台效果的推出, 也修正了有时采矿激光在跃迁后使未消失的问题
  • 隨著新砲台效果的推出, 也修正了Sleipnir上部份自动加農砲奇怪的發射效果
  • 修正军团图示背景显示


  • 修正初次合同的指导讯息, 以提醒玩家在未學习相关技能前, 最多只能有一張未決的合同
  • 取消借贷合同的教程
  • The ‘Racial Weapon’ tutorials were incorrectly using the plural form to indicate the Description tab. This has been corrected.
  • 修正在使用低端SM3显卡进行角色塑造时的问题
  • 修正在教程入指导使用"跃迁扰频器"上的文法错误
  • An issue with the text in the ancestry description for the Amarr, Ni-Kunni, Navy Veterans has been fixed
  • 修正"再生工廠"上欢迎页面上的文法错误
  • An issue with the character sculpting sound effect has been fixed.
  • 使用隨机选择衣著时, 会一併揀选上衣
  • Non Race specific ‘neutral’ music now plays before a Race has been selected.
  • An issue with portraits being shared between two new characters has been fixed.
  • A tucking issue that caused ankle deformation on the character model has been fixed.
  • 取消教程內"跃迁至"的命令视窗
  • 修正"基础战鬥"教程页面第二页內的图像
  • 修正加达里故事线任务第三环的文字讯息, 以往是欠缺了所需物品及卸货地点
  • 修正故事线任务的声望增減
  • 修正米玛塔尔故事线任务內会以正确的新手船作為獎劢
  • "裝配舰船"第13步的獎励以小型护盾回充增量器I , 取代小型裝甲维修器 I
  • 修正米玛塔尔故事线 第3步內未能正常向代理人回报的问题
  • 修正教程12 'Your Next Mission’內的文法错误
  • 教程视窗会在进入人物重塑页面时消失, 並在退出盾重塑页面后重新显示
  • 修正选择隨机髮型对眼影的影响
  • 优化头髮显示
  • 修正女性角色坐下时的动作
  • An issue was fixed where seams were incorrectly displayed.


  • 修正因分割或合併视窗而使镜头方向被鼠标锁定的问题
  • 不再会因放置或移动太空集裝箱內货品而被认為偷竊
  • 修正舰船"显示讯息"上的讯息显示
  • 修正对无人机下达超过操制范围外目标攻击指令时的提示讯息.
  • Progress bar description when looking up DED deadspace complexes has been amended to correctly reflect the data selected.
  • Fixed an incorrect error message displayed when a player with maximum number of probes out, and no lost probes in system, initiated action to reconnect to lost probes.
  • Insurance now shows up in the Station Services tab of Naval Space Stations. Previously it was not listed despite the station offering the service.
  • 在隱形狀態下停靠, Aura 不会重复告诉你正在停靠的讯息
  • 修正在金鹏上重复裝配同一个子系统的问题
  • 增加海关办公室页面的寬度, 以避免按扭重疊
  • 证書规劃上, 当使用未分配的技能点完成技能时, 无需刷新视窗即会自动更新
  • 当另一个角色正在學习技能时, 技能學习序列上会正确地通知
  • Fixed a UI issue where items could be removed from an offlined POS structure’s cargo. Previously this was possible if the window was open prior to the structure going offline.
  • 裝配页面內, 裝配方案上的綠色勾号只表示你能驾驶这艘舰船
  • RP/DAY column in the research tab of the journal now updates when relevant, unallocated skill points are applied.
  • 当在EVE邮件內点选"未读"的邮件, 会自动打开以供阅读
  • Ship HUD colours have been tweaked again to make them more discernable.
  • The warning message when a pilot ejects from their ship has been changed to remove reference to excess cargo to be ejected.
  • 提交军团网址及稅率后, 无需重啟军团页面即会自动更新
  • 对物品欄內"堆疊所有"后会正常地显示內裏物品
  • 当你的舰船被击毀, 變成太空仓后, 仍可以查看泰坦的讯息
  • Fixed an issue with the ‘Open IME’ chat window option not working for Korean input.
  • Fleet history filter selection is now retained in the event that the fleet window is closed and re-opened.
  • 锁定死亡空间內的加速轨道不会显示為嚴重损毀(即是只剩一絲结构
  • 正常显示裝备的比较页面內以衍生等级的排序
  • 保密集裝箱上的輸入密码页面上文字不再重疊
  • HUD面板无论任何情況下都不会停止更新
  • 修正有时聊天视窗內沒有显示任何讯息的问题


  • 大家可以直接使用舰船维护阵列登船, 但在太空仓的狀態无法把舰船由一个阵列搬到另一个
  • 修正角色塑造时颜色错误的问题
  • 修正因无法完成第一个打撈周期而导致殘骸无法被打撈的问题
  • 修正激活星门声效重复播放的问题
  • Fixed an exception that was generated when the user docks with the ‘Destroy Probes’ confirmation dialog displaying and then selects Yes.
  • 提升女性角色上飾品的外观
  • 在捡取遗禁品时会显示提示讯息
  • 修正声效方向
  • An issue with making EVE’s co-ordinate system Right handed caused bookmark ‘thumbtacks’ to appear in a flipped location in the solarsystem map when players took their bookmarks from ‘People and Places’, put them into their cargo holds, and then back to ‘People and Places’. This has now been fixed. Thumbtacks re-appear in the correct location if the user logs out and then logs back in.
  • 若果安裝目錄已存在, 安裝程式则会自动停止並提示
  • We updated the Slaver Hound description without suffering any bite marks.

Client Update #1 for Incarna 1.0, released June 21, 2011

  • 这个更新档包含了好几个Incarna的重要更新, 強烈建议大家下载並安裝. 此更新档会在安裝客戶端后立即执行

Client Update #2 for Incarna 1.0, released June 22, 2011

  • 即使沒有加载空间站环境, 仍可以完成角色重塑

Server changes, released June 22, 2011

  • 有时植入某些能提升其他植入体效能的植入体时, 其实际加成会消失及並且不会显示, 现已修正此问题
  • Firing a doomsday on a target, which then doesn’t die and warps off, will no longer reset the cycle time on Titans.

Client Update #3 for Incarna 1.0, released June 23, 2011

  • 登上新手船时会正常显示其电容量


  • 修正当把图像质素提高时, 煙霧及光效消失的问题
  • 修正在舰長室鼠标消失不见的问题
  • 修正罕见地整个舰長室会破图的问题
  • 修正有时舰長室载入时间过長的问题


  • 使用远距克隆服务后在角色重塑服务內不会显示其虛疑货品
  • 在NeX菜单內的物品会正常显示


  • 修正NPC被击毀时其背景音樂不会继续播放的问题
  • 修正在显示讯息视窗內滾动条不能正常運作的问题


  • 修正在使用內建瀏览器时的批准错误问题
  • An issue that was causing the log to produce blank results has been resolved.

Server changes, released June 23, 2011

  • 当由舰船维护阵列登船时, 新船能夠正常地对无人机作出加成

POS, POS建築及空间站

  • 当由舰船维护阵列登船时, 原有舰船不会被遗留在太空中


  • 修正大腦加速器在使用后就立即到期的问题


  • 修正在登船时扫描探针及导弹有时会无法接收技能及植入体效果的问题

----------------------------1.0.1 版本分隔线------------------------------


  • 修正NeX商店视窗缩放比例
  • 修正因使用远距克隆而导致物品视窗显示错误的问题
  • Tabbing while in the login screen will no longer change the focus from connect to being unfocused.
  • 使用货柜扫描器时, 能夠分辨其货柜內是蓝图原图还是抄贝.
  • 舰長室內镜子的括号标示不会因镜头角度而消失
  • 修正战列及旗舰在总览及太空內的右括号标示消失的问题
  • 伺服器载入进度条將由0%开始而非40%
  • 在空间站能使用Tab 按鍵以最小化视窗
  • 修正在文字輸入欄目內自动完成选项在揀选后未有消失的问题
  • 军团招聘介面內將会显示广告到期日期
  • 军团招聘介面上將会一併显示申请者
  • 修正军团招聘介面上因大量申请通知而出现的问题, 申请通知过多时將会以分页形式显示, 亦可以进行篩选
  • "重新连接在太空內的探针"的选项只在船只上裝有探针發射器才能被按下
  • 代理人搜尋器內搜尋结果会显示当前页数
  • 代理人搜尋能夠同时使用星域及星系进行篩选
  • 代理人等级在搜尋页面內更易被揀选
  • “Remove Solar System from Overview” option no longer appears in the right-click menu for Bookmarks.


  • 修正ATI显卡交火软件的问题
  • 修正创造角色时影子的显不问题
  • 当在角色肖像攝影时点选返回按扭会跳至角色外观塑造页面


  • 修正在使用舰長室时發生客戶端故障的问题
  • The Corporation “Edit Member” function has been fixed.
  • 修正有时因最小化客戶端时导致客戶端故障的问题
  • 当在子屏幕使用全屏模式时, 鼠标在点击时不会跳至主屏幕
  • 修正部份因離站而發生的客戶端故障
  • 修正当離站时發生虛疑记忆体不足的问题
  • 修正罕有地镜头未有跟隨角色移动的问题
  • 修正罕有地鼠标在舰長室环境下未能正常運作的问题
  • Additional server side errors relating to the mouse controls within the CQ were fixed.
  • A defect where shipTypeIDs were always zero (0) in the KillLogs has now been fixed.


  • 打撈器不会分享到牽引光速的加成
  • 修正当在跃迁力场干扰器上使用聚焦干扰脚本时, 部份玩家仍会看到其原有的力场效果的问题


  • 使用增效剂不会影响使用远距克隆.


  • 發现有时技能效果未有正常地套用到船只的问题. 这项將於下次更新时修正. 目前大家登出后请等候船体消失才再登入以避免發生此情況


  • The Mac client will now close properly after pressing the close button on the top left of the game window.
  • Resolved an issue on the Mac where an interior shader instruction didn’t take into account LOD bias.
  • Fixed the Mac ILR flare issues for Caldari stations.


  • 修正在NeX商店內物品名称的问题


  • 修正玩家角色在坐下时因点击離站再取消时角色无法移动的问题
  • 修正角色坐下时UI自动打开的问题
  • Fixed an issue where Bounty content was displayed at Stations where no Bounty Office existed.


  • 修正在"Help: Combat Tactics – Working with Transversal Velocity (Pt I)"內的错字
  • 修正故事线日志內完成任务的环数显示
  • 修正在艾玛新手教程內, "Fitting your Ship"三步內进行第二时声效未有播放的问题
  • 修正俄语客戶端內教程图示上, 原為“Set Destination”卻使用了“Set Waypoint”截图的问题
  • 玩家在进行新手教程第二步时不会影响其势力声望
  • 工业教程內会提供采矿器 I 以让大家能夠完成任务


  • 修正在启动浏览器时因要獲得部份防毒軟件批准而导致游戏崩溃的问题

Client Update #1 for Incarna 1.0.1, released June 28, 2011
这个更新档修正了因Incarna 1.0.1內, 鼠标相关位置校准的问题, 強烈建议大家下载並安裝. 此更新档会在安裝客戶端后立即执行

Client Update #2 for Incarna 1.0.1, released June 30, 2011

  • 代理人搜尋器的工具提示会因你在停靠还是站外狀態而提供正确的资讯
  • 在裝配页面內, HP维修量和模组数目不会重疊
  • 空间站內的游客列表会在当有玩家登站时即时更新


  • 登入畫面內的飛船在登入过程中不会跳过其显示. 现在飛船会在登入认证时停住, 认证过程完畢后会继续飛行


  • 修正部份因離站而造成记忆体不足的问题

Server changes, released June 30, 2011

  • 修正部份无人机技能不能应用在船只的问题

Client Update #3 for Incarna 1.0.1, released July 5, 2011

  • 调整服飾显示 : 玩家需要將细緻度调整為"高" 才会看到正常的服飾外观
  • 支援ATI 显卡交火

Server changes, released July 5, 2011

  • 修正因使用远距克隆而无法继续學习技能的问题


  • POS控制塔不会因维护而失去护盾

Client Update #4 for Incarna 1.0.1, released July 21, 2011

  • 修正砲台图示无法显示的问题.

Client Update #5 for Incarna 1.0.1, released August 9, 2011

  • 修正快捷鍵功能重疊的情況, 例 : 现在按Ctrl+ Space 不会锁定目标了

Server changes, released August 9, 2011

  • Error results now have different cachedUntil timers depending on the type of error. An error below 200 is cached for 12 hours. 200-300 is cached for a day, and 500-600 is cached for 15 minutes.

Incarna 1.1 版本

EVE Gate (新论坛將在9月6日星期二推出)

  • 新官方论坛
  • A new server environment is being deployed to host the new forums.
  • A new player forum will be added to EVE Gate and will replace the old forum on eveonline.com. It will include the same forum functionality previously enjoyed by the community, along with additional features:
    o Simple and advanced search options.
    o An option to choose between normal or compact view for the threads.
    o Ability to “Like” posts and see number of Likes per post.
    o Each thread has an option to “Tag as Favorite”; this will add it to your Favorites page so you can easily find it again and quickly spot any new activity in the thread.
    o A quick reply function that allows you to post a reply to a thread without loading a reply page with full formatting options.
    o A character dropdown list full of handy options, such as sending EVE Mail or going to their EVE Gate profile via one click, or the number of Likes the user has received in total on the forums.
    o RSS feeds for threads and search criteria.
    o DEV, GM, CSM, ISD and External Partner characters have a colored badge overlay on their avatar. Additionally DEV and GM badges have been added on EVE Gate profiles.
    o Forum Settings will now be located on your EVE Gate profile settings page, retaining the usual functionality of toggling corporation/alliance information.
  • The old forums will be cast out into space to be frozen in time and remain fully viewable, but in a read-only mode. Threads and posts from the old forums will not be included in the new forums.

    Activity Notifications
  • The Activity Notifications function lets you know when you have interesting activity happening on EVE Gate and EVE Forums. The alerts appear in the notification icons found in your EVE Gate header; as real time popups, and for those moments you are busy looking at another site - you can see the number of new activity in your EVE Gate or Forum browser tab.
  • The Mail Icon notifies you when you have new unread mail. Clicking it will take you straight to your EVE mail.
  • The Notification Flag shows you how many new activities you have on EVE Gate and the forums. Clicking the flag gives you a dropdown listing your new activities and takes you straight to them. At the bottom of the notification dropdown list you find a link to your Activity Notification page where all notifications are listed by date.
  • Players will be notified of the following activities in real time:
    o When somebody posts on your wall.
    o When somebody comments on your wall post.
    o When somebody comments on a post other character has made on your wall.
    o When somebody posts a reply to a forum thread you subscribe to.
    o When somebody likes your post on the forums.
    o When you receive an event invitation.
    o When you receive new EVE Mail.
  • In your EVE Gate profile settings you can customize which notifications you receive.

Personalized backgrounds

  • You can now choose from a selection of backgrounds in your EVE Gate profile settings. This release includes seven backgrounds: Minmatar, Caldari, Gallente, Amarr,Incarna, Incursion and Tyrannis.
  • You can have a different background for each of your characters.
  • Players can personalize their EVE Gate backgrounds in their EVE Gate Profile Settings.
  • 舰長室
  • 改善舰長室內主屏及菜单的图像显示
  • 修正部份物品不能使用的罕见问题
  • 修正几个令EVE 语音故障的潛在问题
  • 修正舰队语音会令部份人物不能使用语音的问题


  • 个人化 API 匙
  • Customizable API keys and a new, improved method of accessing the API, were implemented. Please refer to this dev blog for more information.
  • The new API management website is located at https://support.eveonline.com/api.
  • The API system will still accept legacy API keys for a limited amount of time.
  • Please make sure you update your third-party applications and create a new API key for them!
  • 合同
  • 能使用第三方软件加载合同更新资讯, 详情请看这裏
  • API內新增三个页面(包括/char 及/corp) : Contracts.xml.aspx, ContractItems.xml.aspx and ContractBids.xml.aspx.
  • 细项
  • Items in the AssetList and ContractItems will now include a rawQuantity attribute if the quantity in the database is negative. Negative quantities are in fact codes: -1 is a singleton item and -2 is a blueprint copy.
  • MarketOrders.xml.aspx will now return all active orders plus all orders issued in the last seven days. An optional “orderID” parameter can be provided to fetch any order belonging to your character/corporation.
  • CharacterInfo.xml.aspx now includes employment history.
  • WalletJournal.xml.aspx should no longer cause an error when rowCount is high.


  • 在你船仓內无人机的"显示讯息"裏的资讯会受你的角色技能而影响


  • Resolved a sorting issue which made hair render in front of the ship’s hologram in one’s Captain’s Quarters.马克瑞级在船坞內跟其他舰船一样正常显示


  • 在空间站內換乘舰船不再需要等待延时修正在裝配或拆卸砲台时, 裝配页面上及舰船上未能同步更新的问题CarbonIO仍在伺服器侧执行, 直到日后公佈


  • The German and Russian clients have had several changes made for consistency and linguistic issues throughout the game.The confirmation message when abandoning loot now displays the option to not show the message again for the Russian and German clients.Some formatting issues in the ESC menu have been resolved for the German client.


  • Fixed an issue where NVIDIA hardware would render characters with yellow hands; this fix only affects Snow Leopard as the NVIDIA driver was fixed in Lion.Optimizations to VBO (vertex buffer object) should provide a performance boost to AMD systems in some cases.An issue where the Jukebox cut off the end of some songs has been substantially reduced in scope, some songs still lose a few seconds at the end though.Some memory-related fixes were introduced, significantly reducing the number of crashes due to running the client in high-detail mode.A workaround was implemented to circumvent a NVIDIA 9400 crash that was affecting users running OS X Lion.

Client Update #1 for Incarna 1.1
Released September 1, 2011


  • 修正载入星图延遲的问题修正以太空仓形式登上舰船的问题修正增效剂懲罰效果未能在裝配页面显示的问题

Incarna 1.1 Client Update #2
Released September 2, 2011


  • 在空间站內更換舰船时不会错误下线裝备修正接取任务后更換舰船会令任务坐标错误的问题在空间站內更換舰船时不会令弹药无故消失

Incarna 1.1 Client Update #3
Released September 7, 2011


  • 货柜仓视窗在跳跃后保持关闭在HUD点击货柜仓按扭能关闭货柜仓视窗修正在空间站打开星图使用"Color by cargo illegality" 选项时的错误进入空间站时对裝配页面內的舰船点击右鍵, 能开启讯息视窗The Capital Ship Navigation Window has been returned to service while docked.


  • 在空间站內更換舰船时不会错误下线裝备

Released September 7, 2011


  • 任务日志在不论接取任务后或換乘舰船后都能正确显示


  • 当登陸舰船到舰船维护阵列时不会影响裝备组的模式修正使用裝配方案配置舰船时最后一个槽位未能裝上的问题

----------------------------1.1.1 版本分隔线------------------------------

用戶介面The corporation member list, when viewed with director roles, will now display blank ship info for docked characters instead of reporting them as flying the station they are currently docked in.扫描时, 当信号低於25%时, 会以相应的括号显示舰船, 结构或異常修正当未停站时玩家收到的错误讯息"Your ship is stuck, as server does not think that it is in a hangar. Please contact customer support to resolve this problem."若果在停靠空间站时货柜仓视窗是打开的话, 停站后仍然保持打开狀態

整体图像Lens Flares will now remain active when ‘Interior Effects’ is set to Medium.

模组已完全损坏的裝备不可能在空间站重新启用, 亦代表不能出站修正裝填或換弹药时未能全數裝填的问题

MacintoshResolved a Macintosh crash when exiting character re-customization.

代理人及任务接取運輸任务时的货柜仓容量检查未能反映角色技能及裝备的加成. 代理人们已經收到通知, 以后只对实际货仓容量不足的舰長提出警示


Client Update #1 for Incarna 1.1.1
Released September 13, 2011


Client Update 2
Released September 15, 2011



Client Update 3
Released September 22, 2011

Server Update 2
Released September 22, 2011

Client Update 4
Released September 27, 2011
模组修正使用舰船维护阵列时, 未能卸裝裝备到货柜仓的问题

EVE Online Forums Update
Released October 5, 2011Threads will now autolock after 90 days instead of 21 days.Everyone can now view the CAOD channel, whether or not they are logged in. Whether or not they actually want to is another story.Some players reported that they were unable to log into the forums after their names had been changed or if they were logging in to the forums with a character that shared the name of a previously deleted character on their account. This has been resolved.Character names that are overly long will no longer break the forums layout.The Forum Rules link now correctly links to the right page.

----------------------------1.1.2 版本分隔线------------------------------

舰長室及船塢大家可以用回原來的船塢了. 恢复"拖放舰船至船塢以換乘船只"及"双击空白位置打开舰船货柜仓"这兩项功能. 详情请看这裏減少舰長室所耗用的电腦记忆体取消勾选"加载空间站环境" 將由舰長室回复至原來的船塢修正当玩家在空间站登入, 在未完全载入空间站环境时立即離站所引致的黑屏问题

技術层面CarbonIO has been enabled on the client. Even though this will have no immediate visible client-side impact, it opens new behind-the-scenes optimization paths which were impossible under stacklessIO. More information on CarbonIO can be found here.

细项於部份情況, 因為角色技能影响而久延殘存的舰船无法離站, 现已修正此问题当客戶端故障时会自动上传报告予嘻嘻皮. 不会收集个人或其他程式的资讯. 详情请看这裏

Macintosh數个调整以提升图像引擎的稳定性. 修正玩家在使用EVE语音时断线后不能重新连接的问题

A fix for broken jpg and png files has been added to the game. This will ensure broken chat portraits will no longer crash the client. There is, however, no excuse nor help for ugly mugs. Note: If you successfully worked around a client crash by making a cache folder read only, you should clear your client cache or lift the write protection to get character portraits shown once again.

Client Update #1
Released October 18, 2011提升在空间站船体旋转性能

----------------------------1.1.3 版本分隔线------------------------------

船塢空间站讯息及总览在进站以及離站时不会改變其位置及大小修正部份玩家不能在船塢旋转船只修正T3舰船模组重复及错误的鏡头方向在舰長室內, 若果沒有激活舰船, 亦不会看到太空仓在飄取消"加载空间站环境", 则会由舰長室转到船塢

细项It should now be possible to disable automatic crash reporting using /noBreakpadUpload as a startup argument for Eve. However, we do not advise using this option as 嘻嘻皮 crash reporting is a very valuable tool for fixing bugs in a rapid manner. We greatly appreciate your assistance on this front.

Client Update #1
To be released November 1, 2011Some characters have gotten them into the broken state where they own themselves. This will cause them various issues regarding fitting and docking/undocking. The state of the characters have been fixed and additional logging has been put in to find out why these characters insist on being so independant.太空仓被击毀后在船塢不会显示黑屏

Client Update #2
To be released November 10, 2011有关高安犯罪的改动, 若果玩家进行犯罪, 对其作用中的远距離维修系统, 以及任何辅助裝备都会強制关闭. 若果舰長要继续对犯罪玩家使用辅助裝备的话. 会有警告讯息提示. 代表你也视同犯罪加入67个新的联盟徽号